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My week in review: Jan. 15-21

My week in review: Jan. 15-21

Welcome back to the third iteration of my week in review. Work has been crazy in some aspects and not so in others. As a result, some days have been pretty exhausting while others days have left me a chance to spend some quality time with those around. So, probably a good thing on both ends. Here’s what happened this past week.

Jan. 15: Editing like a Wolf

It was back to the edit bay for me on this Wednesday. I was responsible for editing the video for the pregame show for the Wolves as they took on the Indiana Pacers. I had videos about the Pacers’ balanced scoring attack and the Wolves’ ability to drive to the basket. Those are the things you talk about when you’re broadcasting a game for a team who has been quite bad for the past few months. Overall, it was a fun shift. One thing I’ve really enjoyed is getting a more in-depth knowledge of the NBA this year. I’ve never been anti-basketball but outside of the Wolves, I’ve always just focused on the stars of the teams. It’s been cool to learn about more nuance and learn from the great analysts FSN has.

Here is one of the clips I edited for the pregame show. Doing sound bytes like that is pretty easy on my end but is a good way to inform viewers.

Jan. 16: Off and running to a basketball game

This past Thursday was a good time to take a step back and work on some of my written content. There is always plenty to do and days like this where I’m home all day are good times to catch up. However, it can be distracting when Minny gives me her sad eyes and wants me to come take a nap with her. Still working on that willpower thing.

That evening, I headed over to watch a boys’ high school basketball game between Eden Prairie and Hopkins. As an EP alum, I was there to root for the Eagles. As a high school student, I spent four years as the stats guy for the basketball team. I really have a soft spot for those guys and still want to see them do well. Going up against the power that is Hopkins, the Eagles showed why they are No. 1 and undefeated as they won on the road in tough fashion. It was a treat to watch.

Jan. 17: Braving the snow for country

On this Friday afternoon, I put on my iHeart media hat and worked for K102. We were doing some pre-concert promotion outside of the venue, which was the Varsity theatre on the campus of the University of Minnesota. We had meet-and-greets to give away along with last-minute tickets. Despite these nice prizes, it was a less-than-ideal situation with a heckuva snow storm hitting the Twin Cities. With that, there weren’t many people just lingering around. We made the best of it, and I was featured in a very poor picture on the K102 Instagram story.


Jan. 18: Happy Hockey Day to you and yours

On Saturday, it was back to the FSN gig. This was a big day for the entire network as it was Hockey Day Minnesota 2020. For those unfamiliar, this is a big thing here in the “State of Hockey.” A site is picked each year where an outdoor rink is built. This year it was in the shadow of the Minneapolis skyline at Parade Stadium. Though the games began two days earlier with some girls’ high school games and an alumni game. Then, on that Saturday, FSN’s coverage kicked off with a boys’ high school game between Warroad and Minneapolis. Then, it was onto another high school game and a women’s college game. The day is always capped off with a Wild game.

For me, it was a really fun day. I was back in the warm FSN offices helping contribute to the coverage and finding social posts that we could use on air. Here’s what my setup looked like.

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Jan. 19: Recovering from Hockey Day

I was definitely a little tired after Hockey Day. And with the conference championships on, it was a good day to not have any FSN/iHeart duties. A lot of football to take in, including the Packers’ loss (Sorry, had to go there).

Jan. 20: Wolves, Wolves, Wolves, Wolves, Wolves, Wolves

This was one of those long days but also a lot of fun. The Wolves were taking on the Denver Nuggets. I started by editing footage for the pregame show. With it being Martin Luther King Day, we revisited a top Timberwolves moment when Malik Sealey hit a buzzer-beater in 2000 that gave the Wolves a win over the Indiana Pacers on MLK Day.

Jan. 21: A birthday celebration

Yes, I am now a dog dad who devotes parts of a day to celebrating my dog’s birthday. It was something exciting to do and I really do appreciate the happiness Minny has brought to my life:

That’s it for this week. Plenty more to come next week!

My week in review: Jan. 22-28 with a twist!

My week in review: Jan. 22-28 with a twist!

My week in review: Jan. 8-14

My week in review: Jan. 8-14